Study in Switzerland


Switzerland known for its landscape beauty, banking and technology, one of the favourite destination for tourism. Natural resources, education and knowledge become very important resources in Switzerland. Country one of the most stable and powerful economies worldwide, also one of the safe country with very low crime rates.

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Study in Latvia


Latvia known as Republic of Latvia one of the Europe’s hidden gems for higher education. Latvia’s safe and welcoming cities and dazzling coastline, it is excellent for students and visitors alike. Based on the Baltic Sea, Latvia is considerable of a crossroads between East and West, and in this cultured country. Many different languages are spoken in Latvia like – Latvian, Russian, German, and of course English.

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Study in Hungary


Hungary is an exciting, diverse and safe destination for international students located in Central/Eastern Europe, land of great contrasts with a wealth of culture and history, complemented by a language very different from its neighbours.

Nowadays Hungary is becoming a progressively popular study abroad destination.

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Study in Europe


Experience Europe’s world class education system. One can gain international experience, skills and knowledge highly valued by employers. Because of Europe’s cultural and linguistic diversity foreign students not only receive the high academic standards also gain a rich cultural experience thanks to Europe’s cultural and linguistic diversity. Where small principalities sit sidewise with many of the world’s leading economies. Europe has always been one of the leading centre of learning and technological development. Institutes in European countries offers endless choices for bachelors, masters, PHD, and short-term exchange programs to international students. Completing higher education from Europe is not only degree but it’s an unmatched experience. Students will get the Benefit from excellent future employment and research opportunities in Europe and beyond.

Few main reasons why you should study in Europe:


Europe has world-wide reputation because of educational excellence. This is why European universities secure their position in top 100 universities world ranking. Europe offers state of the art facilities and cutting-edge research opportunities together. The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) contributes in the development of quality assurance in higher education. Europe offer education on very reasonable tuition fees and living cost as compare to USA. European education system is very competitive. Europe has rich academic heritage based on many landmarks in human knowledge.


Europe has thousands of institutions to choose for higher study in Europe, providing great variety of degree programmes in English language. English taught programmes offered by European institutes making Europe more accessible. Europe is like a control canter for research and innovation, home to top-notch resources and technologies, and top scientists working in fields ranging from medicine to space travel, nanotechnology to polar research, and from ICT to nuclear fusion. Besides earning a world-class qualification you’ll have the chance to learn new languages, experience a unique cultural, multicultural environment and intercultural skills


Study in Europe not only gives you a top-quality education, which is respected the world over more than that student can take advantages of scholarships provided by European Universities. European degrees are highly in demand world-wide by among the employers just because of the knowledge and skills one can acquired during their study in Europe. European institutes equip you for the global economy, developing assets such as self-reliance, independence and intercultural and linguistic abilities that will help you to face new challenges. Apart from this European higher education will increase your mobility – across Europe and the rest of the world. Students will get a chance to explore the beauty of Europe. Student has chance to visit in Europe’s different cities, bathe on our beautiful beaches, ski in the Alps or join in the fiesta

Admission Requirements in Europe vary from country to country. It depends upon where you come from and your chosen study destination.

Following are the few popular European study destinations:


Study in France


France is one of the most preferred and immense country of Europe, sharing its border with Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg to the northeast, Switzerland and Italy to the southeast and Spain to the southwest. One of the prominent tourism destination due to the natural beauty, the amazing climate, outdoor recreational activities. France well-known for its cuisine and wines.

Why Study in France?

Because of High Quality of Education and remarkable tuition fee France become one of the leading study overseas destination in among the international students. Student experience one of the most prestigious educational systems in the world. Many French universities ranked in world top universities ranking. Study in France at one of these institutions you can consider that you will receive an amazing education. France one of the ideal study destination for business management, fashion, culinary arts and hotel management.

The excellence of France’s higher education and research is widely acknowledged around the globe. It’s all because of the exceptional achievements of French researchers. France stands second in Mathematic in the world with thirteen Fields Medals. Apart from this France has also had sixty-five Nobel Prize winners. French government spent approx. 20% of the budget on education & research. International students can receive CAF benefit during their study in France. Through CAF student will get subsidy on accommodation rent.

No matter what country of origin you are from, you can expect to be welcomed with open arms There is so much diversity in France. The French government introduced a vigorous support policy to international students. Few of the top universities of Frace as below:

  • Université PSL (Paris Sciences et Letters Research University)
  • Ecole Polytechnique (ParisTech)
  • Sorbonne University
  • Sciences Po Paris

Tuition fees in France

Study in France means getting access to high-quality programmes designed according to the interest of students. If we talk about cost of Study in France, there are huge variation in tuition fees between public and private institutions. Study in public university will cost modest because French government subsidizes higher education. But the cost of study in private university usually more. Students get a world-class education in France no matter its public or private institute. To facilitate the international students French scholarships are available depends on student eligibility.

Working in France during and after graduation

In world economy ranking France stands fifth and place of many world leaders like Airbus, Total, Orange, Sanofi, Danone, L’Oreal, LVMH etc. Student will work part-time 20 hrs week during their study in France. After completion of study student have chance to gain some international work experience with the help of Job seeker visa offered by French government after completion of degree. French language is one of the larger hurdles if student plan to stay after graduation. As compare to other European nations, it is almost easy for international students to start their career after their study in France. Student have chance to travel Schengen zone, to explore the Europe without visa during study in France.
Learn French means learn the official language of over 30 countries across 5 continents and United Nations.
France stands top in research and innovation with over 64 Nobel Laureates and 15 Fields Medals
An encouraging environment for innovation and young entrepreneurs

Universities in France

  • Audencia Business School
  • Burgundy School of Business (BSB)
  • Centrale Nantes
  • CIFE
  • College De Paris
  • ECAM Lyon
  • École Polytechnique
  • EDHEC Business School
  • emlyon Business School
  • Grenoble Ecole de Management
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology
  • IÉSEG School of Management
  • International Space University
  • Ipag Business School
  • KEDGE Business School
  • ParisTech
  • PSB Paris School of Business
  • Rennes School of Business
  • Sciences Po
  • SKEMA Business School
  • TBS Education
  • Toulouse 1 Capitole University
  • Université de Bourgogne
  • Université de Paris
  • Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Université Paris-Saclay
  • University of Bordeaux
  • UPMC University Pierre and Marie Curie